Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to download TED videos II

I have showed you how to download TED videos using FireFox add-on called "DownThemAll!", now there is another way to download TED videos that I am going to show you. Also this is good for people that don't like to use download manager or simply because your company IT blocked any download managers :)

1. You need FireFox and FireFox add-on called "NewsFox".
2. After you install NewsFox add-on on FireFox, do this:
FireFox, Tools, NewsFox, "Add Feed"
3. A "Feed Options" windows will pop up and put in the TED video's RSS link (http://feeds.feedburner.com/tedtalks_video) in there like below picture and click "Check Feed":
4. NewsFox will start to read information from the feedburner and list down the available videos. You can read the short summary of the video by clicking on the title listed on right top of NewsFox tab.
5. To download the video you want, right click on the "video/mp4" and Save Link As... .

6. Depend on your FireFox configuration, it will or will not ask (default) for the location to save it. Wait for it to finish downloading. And you can watch it anytime you want without the internet connection. :)

Hope you will enjoy this tutorial, subscribe to my RSS or mailing list or follow me on blogger or twitter. :)

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