Thursday, February 21, 2013

Google Glass

Google Glass demo video. This might replace your smartphone in future. Cost US$1500 now.

I commented on the youtube video: "We should start naming a disease that has the syndrome of look at right top side all the time."

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source: youtube!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year 2013

Happy Chinese New Year 2013!
Happy Lunar New Year 2013!

Wish you a prosperous year of Snake.

I got this from a friend on Whatsapp. If you want to know what it means, you can copy line by line and translate using google translate, but I am doubtful that google translate can give you the right meaning ;)


. 
. \  /
. 新年快樂
. 恭喜發財
. 龍馬精神
. 生意興隆
. 萬事如意
. 金銀滿屋
. 心想事成
. 財源廣進
. 萬事勝意
. 如魚得水
. 青春常駐
. 夢想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆風順
. 一本萬利
. 如意吉祥
. 身體健康
. 學業進步
. 龍年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 貨如輪轉
. 步步高陞
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常開
. 發財好事
. 大吉大利
. 買乜升乜
. 閤家平安
. 橫財就手
. 出入平安
. 五福臨門
. 招財進寶
. 旗開得勝
. 百業興旺
. 大展鴻圖
. 得心應手
. 官運亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富貴雙全
. 吉星拱照
. 人興財旺
. 東成西就
. 從心所欲
. 恭賀新禧
. 飛黃騰達
. 新年快樂
. 恭喜發財
. 龍馬精神
. 生意興隆
. 萬事如意
. 金銀滿屋
. 心想事成
. 財源廣進
. 萬事勝意
. 如魚得水
. 青春常駐
. 夢想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆風順
. 一本萬利
. 迎春接福
. 如意吉祥
. 身體健康
. 學業進步
. 龍年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 貨如輪轉
. 步步高陞
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常開
. 發財好事
. 大吉大利
. 買乜升乜
. 閤家平安
. 橫財就手
. 出入平安
. 五福臨門
. 招財進寶
. 旗開得勝
. 百業興旺
. 大展鴻圖
. 得心應手
. 官運亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富貴雙全
. 吉星拱照
. 人興財旺
. 東成西就
. 從心所欲
. 恭賀新禧
. 飛黃騰達
. 新年快樂
. 恭喜發財
. 龍馬精神
. 生意興隆
. 萬事如意
. 金銀滿屋
. 心想事成
. 財源廣進
. 萬事勝意
. 如魚得水
. 青春常駐
. 夢想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆風順
. 一本萬利
. 如意吉祥
. 身體健康
. 學業進步
. 龍年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 貨如輪轉
. 步步高陞
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常開
. 發財好事
. 大吉大利
. 買乜升乜
. 閤家平安
. 橫財就手
. 出入平安
. 五福臨門
. 招財進寶
. 旗開得勝
. 百業興旺
. 大展鴻圖
. 得心應手
. 官運亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富貴雙全
. 吉星拱照
. 人興財旺
. 東成西就
. 從心所欲
. 恭賀新禧
. 飛黃騰達
. 新年快樂
. 恭喜發財
. 龍馬精神
. 生意興隆
. 萬事如意
. 金銀滿屋
. 心想事成
. 財源廣進
. 萬事勝意
. 如魚得水
. 青春常駐
. 夢想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆風順
. 一本萬利
. 迎春接福
. 如意吉祥
. 身體健康
. 學業進步
. 龍年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 貨如輪轉
. 步步高陞
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常開
. 發財好事
. 大吉大利
. 買乜升乜
. 閤家平安
. 橫財就手
. 出入平安
. 五福臨門
. 招財進寶
. 旗開得勝
. 百業興旺
. 大展鴻圖
. 得心應手
. 官運亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富貴雙全
. 吉星拱照
. 人興財旺
. 東成西就
. 從心所欲
. 恭賀新禧
. 飛黃騰達
. 新年快樂
. 恭喜發財
. 龍馬精神
. 生意興隆
. 萬事如意
. 金銀滿屋
. 心想事成
. 財源廣進
. 萬事勝意
. 如魚得水
. 青春常駐
. 夢想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆風順
. 一本萬利
. 如意吉祥
. 身體健康
. 學業進步
. 龍年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 貨如輪轉
. 步步高陞
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常開
. 發財好事
. 大吉大利
. 買乜升乜
. 閤家平安
. 橫財就手
. 出入平安
. 五福臨門
. 招財進寶
. 旗開得勝
. 百業興旺
. 大展鴻圖
. 得心應手
. 官運亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富貴雙全
. 吉星拱照
. 人興財旺
. 東成西就
. 從心所欲
. 恭賀新禧
. 飛黃騰達
. 新年快樂
. 恭喜發財
. 龍馬精神
. 生意興隆
. 萬事如意
. 金銀滿屋
. 心想事成
. 財源廣進
. 萬事勝意
. 如魚得水
. 青春常駐
. 夢想成真
. 新春大吉
. 一帆風順
. 一本萬利
. 迎春接福
. 如意吉祥
. 身體健康
. 學業進步
. 龍年吉祥
. 事事如意
. 貨如輪轉
. 步步高陞
. 要乜有乜
. 笑口常開
. 發財好事
. 大吉大利
. 買乜升乜
. 閤家平安
. 橫財就手
. 出入平安
. 五福臨門
. 招財進寶
. 旗開得勝
. 百業興旺
. 大展鴻圖
. 得心應手
. 官運亨通
. 老少平安
. 福星高照
. 富貴雙全
. 吉星拱照
. 人興財旺
. 東成西就
. 從心所欲
. 恭賀新禧
. 飛黃騰達
. 新年快樂
. 一定要
. 快樂
. 吖
. !

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PenangUncle Jan 2013 compilation

Usually when you see a compilation of posts on a blog, there is a high chance that the owner of the blog has nothing to post. :P
It did happen to me, but this time I got ideas to write, I got apps to introduce, but I don't have enough to write a quality post, therefore I prefer to write a compilation than write a crappy post.

So what happen on month of Jan 2013 on

The most pageview of posts that being posted on Jan 2013 is:
List of Mobile Apps of Banks in Malaysia

Free Apps/Games:
[free] BluMind - Mind Mapping Software
[Free Game] SiliBili
[Free Apps] Pleco - The Best Chinese Dictionary
[Free] Audacity - the real free audio editor
[Free apps] Spy Camera OS
[Free Game] Sheep Jump 8-bit

List of list :P
List of Mobile Apps of Banks in Malaysia
List of Mobile Apps of Banks in Singapore
List of Online Banks that Pay PBA

Waste time videos:
Sailfish OS
Ubuntu for Phones
First Waste Time Video of 2013
Total Waste Time of 2012
Innovation or Waste Time?
Waste Time Saturday
BlackBerry Z10: Hands-On

And the most pageview of last month are these posts:
How to install apk into BlueStacks
How to enable Android Market for BlueStacks
Sony Xperia S/P/U/Sola Bootloader
How To Put Picture Side by Side in Blogger
How to Download Docs from Scribd for free

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Hope you will enjoy this post, subscribe to my RSS or mailing list or follow me on blogger or twitter. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ping Pong ball vs Ping Pong bat

Ping Pong ball vs Ping Pong bat, usually Ping Pong bat wins, but Ping Pong ball win this time. Watch the waste time video:

Jump to to 5:50 to see the action. Otherwise you will be physic PhD by a very slim chance after watching the whole video. :P

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Hope you will enjoy this post, subscribe to my RSS or mailing list or follow me on blogger or twitter. :)
source: wild wild web

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How To Download Torrent with Chrome

Not too long ago, I posted a post on how to download torrent without torrent client, just using put.IO:
How to download torrent without torrent client

put.IO however is limited to 1GB of disk space and 1GB of download per day, for free account:
Limitation of Put.IO

If we have some files that is bigger than 1GB, then we are unable to download them. Luckily now there is another alternative, which is download torrent with Chrome.

No, I am not talking about direct download, which the words "direct download" always appear in torrent sites, but it usually takes you to some malicious or dangerous or NSFW sites.

BitTorrent Surf is a Chrome extensions that acts as a torrent client.

To install BitTorrent Surf, you need to have Chrome installed on your system. I didn't try on Chrome of MacOS or Linux, but I think it should works as well.

After you install it, you should able to see BitTorrent Surf icon on right of address bar just like other extensions' icon.
BitTorrent Surf on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com

Click on the BitTorrent Surf icon, will bring up a small windows like this:
BitTorrent Surf on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com
Key in for files that you want to search for. Example here is Toy Story 2. By hovering the mouse over the icon, name, and bars, it will show you the address that actually has the torrent, how big is the file (in whole package, it didn't show if there is more than one file), and how many sharing.
Click on the arrow down icon will start the downloading, and it will change to a tick icon.

If you don't like the default search setting, you can add sites. The default search are using either google, yahoo, or bing. As you can see here, I added 3 more sites, eh-hem, eh-hem and eh-hem. And you can turn on or off each of them to fine tune the search.
BitTorrent Surf on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com

The icon in middle of icons are just notification.
BitTorrent Surf on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com

As for streaming function, I didn't try it. Somemore it says stream music library. Probably some new apps the developer trying to sell.
BitTorrent Surf on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com

During the installation of the Chrome extension, another program also will be install on your system, which is Torque. So I might have to say it might not works for MacOS and Linux. You will have to try first if you on these system/OS.
BitTorrent Surf on Outdated Penang Uncle blogspot dot com
Anyway, torque.exe is the one responsible do the P2P works. If you kill it, BitTorrent Surf will stop working.

After the download complete, it should have a button on the same line of the download that you can open the folder that contains the files.

Since BitTorrent Surf is still in alpha, do expected some flaw/bug/error. There was some moment that I cannot add more than one download, but the problem goes away after a while. I didn't reboot or anything.

Okay, it to install it, make sure you are on Chrome and click on this link:

Note1: It is might be completely illegal to P2P movie/songs/files in your country.

Note2: Do not enable this on your work computer/laptop. Your boss going to find out! You can disable the extension on Chrome (setting -> Tools -> Extensions) and then kill torque.exe manually. I wrote a batch file to kill torque.exe and others processes that I lazy to close individually.

Note3: I noticed that emule is slowed down (until zero) whenever I switch on BitTorrent Surf. It might be co-incident, but I suspect both processes are competing with the ports. I shall continue monitor and update this post if I find anything.

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source: while at the wild wild web

Sunday, February 3, 2013

[free apps] Floating Stickies

I always like stickies since high school time, it helps to remind me of project due dates, what should I focus on, what are the homework. of course that time that stickies is the real papers. It save money, I recycled papers that I collected from PC fair, at that time you can get whole stack of papers just take around at the PC fair, most of them just being print on one side, so I get to use the other side.

When I start working, stickies still a great tool for me. There are a few stickies program for Windows XP. First version of Windows 7 come with a gadget that is exactly a stickies, however Microsoft removed it on sub-sequence version of Windows 7. Now with almost everyone on smartphone, there should be stickies for smartphone right?

Wrong, of all the stickies (Android, iOS, and others), stickies has to works within that apps itself, there is not way to take a note on stickies while looking at other apps (browsers, emails, sms, etc). Unless you have Galaxy S 3 or Note 2 that have multiple windows function, you have to do these:
1. You remember the numbers or words, then close the apps, open stickies and write it on stickies. Oh-no, what was the last digit? Okay, you have to open the apps just now and repeat the steps.
2. Write it on a piece of papers and then write it back to the stickies apps. Sigh.
3. Print screen.

Now I found the real stickies on XDA forum. It works just like the one on Windows. It is called Floating Stickies.
You can dock it to side of the screen, as well as resize it. I like it!

Watch the demo video, I am installing this apps now!

Since it supports Android 2.1 and above, majority of Android users can install and use it!

I have a quick check on iTunes, no iOS apps works like this one. Take that Apple fan boys, muahahahaha.

Get it from Google Play:

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source: XDA

Friday, February 1, 2013

Can't hide from this camera

Nothing is going to escape this camera. Oh-oo.

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source: wild wild web
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