The best thing about social media is you can show off how popular you are. On Facebook, the number of Likes is the popular counter. While on Twitter, the number of followers is the evident of popularity.
There still no way to detect if the likes on Facebook is genuine or fake, but for Twitter, now there is a website for us to check the percentage of fake and genuine followers for most of the Twitter account, except for Twitter users that lock out their Twitter account from publicly visible.
This service is provided by You will need to give permission to so that can use it. The first result you will get is your own fake Twitter followers.
This is my Twitter Fake report, as you can see there is too much of fake followers. This is because I am testing out an online Twitter followers exchange program, evidently the Twitter followers at the website are mostly fake.
Lets look at some famous people/website on the internet:
Modaco is a famous website regarding mobile phones and smartphones, most of the followers are real one, with 31% inactive. modaco has over 15k followers.
London2012 is the official Twitter account of London Olympic, but 30% of Twitter followers are fake! London2012 has 1.59 million followers.
Now, lets look at Twitter account of leaders nearby Penang.
First one is the current Chief Minister of Penang, Mr Lim Guan Eng. With over 40k of followers, less than 20% is fake, more than 40% followers is active.
How about this one? With over 858k followers, only 19% is active and 44% is fake!
How about ajib's counterpart at Singapore? Only 10% fake and 67% active. The guy above looks really bad.
Current USA President also have 30% of fake followers out of 19 million followers, but still ajib has the highest percentage of fake follower.
Okay, how about famous artist around the world?
Here is ladygaga, 30% fake follower out of 29 million followers.
Justin Bieber is better compare to ladygaga, 3% less fake followers out of 27 million followers.
Will Smith has 11% fake followers, and this is based on @willsmith, there are too many will smith on twitter with will smith pictures everywhere!
Samuel L Jackson appears in most of all the super hero movie, but so do his fake followers, 23%.
How about some of the richest people of the world?
Founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates has 37% fake followers out of 8 million followers. He is the highest among the 3 riches people I checked.
The richest of the richest is Mr Carlos Slim, he has only 8% of fake followers out of 200k followers.
Warren Buffet also has 8% of fake followers out of 108k followers. Btw, there are so many Warren Buffet twitter account, I picked the one that says official twit. You can try to search for him on twitter.
How about a famous artist in Asia?
Andy Lau has 23% fake followers out of 5k followers. This account that I checked might not be the real one, because 5k followers of too little for this super star.
Back to Malaysia, let's check for local famous artists.
Carmen Soo is one of the sexiest female artist, with only 14% fake followers, but inactive is 61%, that is very high.
Another sexy artist, Juliana Evans, 31% fake followers but more good followers compare to Carmen Soo.
This is the only twitter that I checked has 100% genuine followers. She is my wife, heheh.
How about you? Check your fake followers and comment on this post!
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source: I wrote this!